😱🤩"The Midnight Call...!!"🤩😱

   "No no !!! It was soo painful ouchhh !!! I woke up amidst the deep sleep !! How can that be possible, it is aching so much, how will i appear after this treatment, should i even take medical help or will i die out of stress !!!" Cried geets.
                                       "Tring tring..." hello, rishi are you there? Ummm whathappened geets? Are you alright ? Hello..hello.. did the phone hung up?" Rishi exclaimed. "Sob sob.. what? Hold on, dont tell me you are weeping geets?look babes if you dont intimate me i will only get tenser" he frowned.

                                "It might turn to a Medical emergency let us visit hospital iam so scared rishi" she gasped. "Holy god !! Ask help of neigbours atleast till i reach you geets",
"Not at all you know it looks odd to disturb others at such time" she worried.
"Do you have First Aid box with you ? Open it fast and try to do dressing and apply disinfectant,it might stop spread of infection"

                          Why dont you dial 110 and call an ambulance by the time i reach there?? umm okay put down the call geets i will be there in another 30 minutes" rishi said disconnecting the call.
Rishi hurriedly wore his jacket, took the car keys and drove speedily at 4th gear. While enroute, his hands and feet grew cold and numb !!!

                         What might have happened to her best friend, he reminisced all the lovely moments they have cherished since childhood. Fighting for a scoop of ice cream, riding the bicycle, playing tent house to copying in exams and bunking the schools to being felicitated with medals, she has always been a major part of his life through his thick and thin !!

                               The fact that geets lay in miserable health condition is making him break inside. All weird thoughts crossed his mind and he got down the car walking towards the gate. "Creaaaak...!!!! He unclutched it hurriedly and it made a loud sound.

                                  The neighbours woke up to that sound on seeing rishi, they came out with bamboo sticks to thrash the burgler trying to barge into Geets house. "Hey you, wait thief..we wont leave you, called police". Rishi was trying to explain the medical health emergency which occured at geets place, she is urgent need of help so he visiting, but nobody were in mood to listen him.
And then..
                                  " Police reached there and started investigating and held collar of rishi to arrest him". " Everybody please listen to me !! Geets is in medical emergency she made a call to me and i rushed here to help her" screamed rishi. "Okay lets go inside god knows in which state she might be" uttered policeman.

When they barged inside the house..
                               Geets was relaxing on sofa, with a dull face holding a mirror in her hand and squeezing cotton ball with first aid box beside her. All were surprised. "What happened why is so much crowd gathered at my place? And police, but why? Maybe wrong address" exclaimed geets.

                         "You are completely alright geets, what exactly happened to you? What kind of Health emergency? We all are immensely worried" uttered Rishi. "Ofcourse rishi when i woke up the middle of night there was huge pain on my right cheek, i ignored for a while, no sooner when i touched it i found strange and sticky sensation.

                           I turned on bed light to see red blood oozing and my hands shivered, i knew what might have happened, it was unacceptable, dint knew how will i survive with such calamity, I somehow gathered courage , Still my legs weren't moving an inch. Slowly i struggled to reach my dressing table and switched on lights.Seeing my image in the mirror made me distraught. Immediately i closed my eyes in fear and could not accept the reality. But yes i will have live my life accepting this bitter fact that i got a "PIMPLE ON MY RIGHT CHEEK" how can that even be possible rishi ?

                            You know how beauty conscious iam, i cried profusely as we have our college feast and iam contesting for miss freshers beauty pageant" she uttered in dismay.
                         Everybody there laughed nonstop and Rishi apologized the policemen and neighbours for the inconvenience caused and they left.
"Geets you are seriously dumb girl i have ever seen !! Have you gone nuts? U give a call at midnight stating you are in bleeding pain need medical help bla bla , do you even know how silly is all this" said rishi angrily.

                         "Yes my pimple broke out midnight and blood oozed from it and i want to visit doctor, what if i neglect this first pimple and it grows big infects all over the face, so i took out first aid box and i dressed the pimple area as well"

"Hahahahaha hilarious actually all you girls are the same. You cry over a small pimple on your face !! How funny iam into splits" laughed rishi.

We are proud Of what We Are...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          "Yes ofcourse rishi, we girls are like this, we cry over small petty things because we believe in eradicating the problem right from its root, so that it does not spread and cause more problems. Yes We forsee a big calamity in peanut size of problem and exaggerate because we often get tensed to such an extend that we forget ourselves in caring our closed ones.

                                 Yes we girls cry and shed tears to slightest pain, but it is the same woman who bears labour pains to baby out of her. We girls cannot tolerate even a slightest dark spot in our lives as we believe in perfection. Maybe even the silver shining moon has dark spots in it, but we cannot accept any flaws in our inner beauty of our enignatic persona. Such stronger are we !!! And Iam proud to be a Girl. Its okay if we are silly at times !! Even that takes courage.. what say girls??? Agree with me ??


  1. Wow it's true my dear we come across so many pains in life .But still we stand like a pillar of course each and every problem will give us little pain but they teach us lesson in life and make us strong. Proud to be girl

    1. Yes dear thanx a lot !! We are indeed very proud on being power girls !!!!!

  2. Thank you so much for posting about this and I am proud of what you are doing

    1. Immensely overwhelmed with your encouragenent.. may i know your name? As it is not displayed here..

  3. Good analysis..
    Try harder, Sure you can do better

  4. I support you babe! Keep doing what you're doing. You inspire many with your blog! 😊

    1. Sure, thank u so much fr the encouragement.

  5. I must say, I found this to be an intriquing article but well done. You have so emotion in your writing. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Immensely overwhelmed with yiur compliment. Thanx

  6. Cool .. (^_^♪)


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