💜Null - Zero or Beginning to New Life ??💜


Null - How you define it ?

"Null", the moment I specify this word, the very first thing flashes in your mind is the "Null Hypothesis" and the slideshow of your math class runs in the background. Well, IAM not that great at math, so obviously for me null signifies a complete void. Just look around if you find any physics nerd? Ask them how is null defined perpetually? For instance, they will take you on an adventure to the space and black holes. So, let us deduce the equation of "null". (No IAM not going to use any formulae, relax).

Null in mathematical and physics aspects :

1. In mathematics, null is derived from Latin word nullus means zero. Aryabhatta gave the world the digit 0, thus remains immortal.
2. Whereas, in measure theory a null set is an empty set. Which absolutely measures zero.
3. Similarly, in statistics, a null hypothesis is a proposition denoting that no effect / relationship will exist between the populations, and the phenomena.

Null acquaintance with physics :

Consequently, In physics a null is inferred to a point in a field, where the field quantity is zero. Because of two or more opposing quantities cancelling each other. The field here is symbolized as scalar, vector or tensor in nature.

Black hole theory of universe ~ double-null formalism.

On the other hand, by using double-null coordinates, we can thoroughly investigate dynamical black holes. And also, the gravitational phenomena in the spherical symmetry. Which acclimatizes the gravitational collapse, formation of horizons, singularities, and evaporation.

Null ~ epitome of new beginnings amidst lockdown...

For me personally, null signifies the foundation laid for eternity. Imagine if there was no invention of zero digit, would it have been possible to invent all the numbers from 1 to infinity? The branch of the whole mathematics derived from a zero ~ null.

Only if there is a void it creates space for enlightenment of new things. Compare the moon sighting in Ramzan, festival is celebrated when moon shines after null phase of darkness. The existence of null in life emphasizes the importance of happiness and zeal to work towards success.

Had there been no null phase today, (lockdown of COVID-19) we all would have been a prey to corona virus. Consequently, after the clouds of null diminish there will be scintillating rays of hope. Null lays a perfect foundation for the fact there is always something more to discover in life. Likewise, the beginning of a new life from a zygote in the womb.

Baby nurtures itself and grows in the void of womb which is an empty dark null space, only to come out in light of existence. A new life is created out of null, just like the whole universe was erupted out of a null black hole. So now do you agree with me ?


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