💜💞Gave My Piece Of Heart To You💞💜

                   "I feel all the worlds treasures are bestowed on me", look at his gleamy eyes they enlighten me gracefully" uttered she, while holding her bundle of joy in her arms planting a kiss on his forehead.
                   While they stayed in stable at Bethalem she reminisced of her bewilderness to the words of angel Gabriel who instructed her to borne a son when she still was a virgin !!!
                         "Father, forgive m
e, for i do not know not what i do" --she sobbed wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

                  "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise" -- i will raise u with immense love she promised her child.

                            Suddenly Earth was shaken, rocks split, veil of temple was torn, sun eclipsed, graves were opened, admist dark skies ,She sorrowfully contemplates crucified body of her beloved son laid on her lap!! The first time she kissed her new born and now her bundle of joy who lay breathless in her arms.

                         While preparing hot supper, she glanced awwww!!!! amused to see his little boy who was crawling effortlessly stood on his feet " this is the happiest day of my life" she exclaimed. "Thump thud" ouchh !! He had his first fall and she hurriedly ran towards him with eyes filled with tears, "Iam there to support u my baby" holding his tiny hands lifted and make him stand again.
                        After condemned to death, Scourging, insulting, bleeding profusely, crowned with the thorns and while bearing the cross on his shoulders
"Thump thud" Jesus had his first fall--
"My God, My God, why have you forsaken my child?"
                   She hurriedly ran towards him with tear filled eyes, "Iam there to support u my baby" holding his blood shedding hands tried to make him stand again. His last words,
"Woman, behold thy son. (Says to John disciple) Behold thy mother" !!

                 "Mother ,lets visit the procession in the city of Jerusalem" requested her little boy. He entered the Jerusalem amongst the crowd many a times and spent joyful moments.

             "Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here"

                     As he rode down the road towards the Jerusalem city on donkey, two throngs of people converged upon to follow him.Some “paved” the road with their garments; others with layers of leaves, at least some of which were from palm trees hence signified as “Palm Sunday. "Many a times i visited processions in Jerusalem, why today my entry into the city s
eems so special" uttered surprisingly.

                    He said, 'I thirst'." In distress nailed on crucifix bleeding. That mother who never let her son deprived of food and water today was lamenting for a drop of water to quench his thirst.
               Then a person placed a sponge dipped in wine on a hyssop branch and held it to Jesus' lips. Looking in despair,the agony of that mother was unexplained.

              "She said, 'It is finished " She had offered her beloved son fully to God as a sacrifice on behalf of humanity. As he was crucified, it was finished. With these words, the noblest person who ever walked the face of this planet, her little bundle of joy whom she cuddled close to her heart breathed his last.

"Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit"

--- last words of his son reminisced her of the first words spoken which still lingered in her ears                        "Mother, into ur hands i crave,carry me in ur arms"  "When darkness seem to prevail in life, it takes faith even to talk to God, even if it is to complain to him. These words of that mother crying out with loud voice" Father, into your hands I commend spirit of my son, i carried him in my arms and now place him in your hands please safeguard him" she cried out with loud voice.

                    On "Good Friday" we solemnly honor the way Jesus suffered and died for our sins. We attend a service that recounts Jesus's painful crucifixion but did you ever imagine what kind if distress mother Mary might have pondered with ??? Unimaginable Pain of loosing his begotten son and beholding him on the crucifix with crown of thorns and nailed eventually.

                  Did Mary know that her son whom she taught footsteps would one day walk on water?
Was she aware that the child that she delivered, will soon deliver entire mankind?

                Did she even know that when she kissed her little boy, she kiss the face of God ?

               Did she either know that the sleeping child she was holding , will one day hold the cross carrying all our sins??

                     Lord Jesus sacrified his life to carry the sins of mankind , but can the sacrifice of the mother Mary be defined ?? Or can it even be measured??? It shakes me within even if i try to imagine her plight. It is indeed a priceless sacrifice she made for entire mankind !!! Thank you Mother Mary for giving all of us ur beloved son, a bundle of joy.


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